Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Computer Fundamental MCQ Questions on Access (Database) : Module 5

Posted by Tech Talim
1.      In the table when you are inserting the data, the power suddenly goes off. What will happen?
a)      All data is lost
b)      A few data is lost
c)      All data is save
d)     A few data is save
2.      Which one of the following is the extension of MS-Access 2007 database?
a)      .mdb
b)     .accdb
c)      .xlsx
d)     None
3.      Access 2007 supports which type of database system?
a)      DBMS
b)     RDBMS
c)      Flat file system
d)     ORDBMS

4.      Which one is correct regarding relationships?
a)      You cannot edit or delete relationship.
b)      Many to Many relationships between tables are considered as an ideal relationship
c)      You cannot edit table after establishing relationship
d)     None
5.      How can you get ‘Simple query wizard’ tool?
a)      Database tool > Query Wizard > Simple Query Wizard
b)     Create tab > Query Wizard > Simple Query Wizard
c)      Create tab > Query design > Simple Query Wizard
d)     None
6.      what do you mean by Like” A????”
a)      Entry must be four characters and begin with the letter A
b)     Entry must be five characters and begin with the letter A
c)      Entry must be five characters and begin with any letter.
d)     None
7.      Which is not related to relationship?
a)      Avoid duplicate data
b)      Data can be entered into or viewed from one or more tables
c)      create inconsistency of data
d)     None
8.      In the memo data type you can insert data up to ____ characters.
a)      350
b)      Unlimited
c)      10000
d)     65535
9.      Why do we use Filter?
a)      To find more specific record
b)      Sorting field in different direction
c)      Filtering out records that we don’t want
d)     All of the above
10.  Filters remain in place until—
a)      They are removed
b)      The object is closed
c)      Both A & B
d)     Only A
11.  Which of the following views does not allow the form to be modified?
a)      Layout view
b)     Form View
c)      Design view
d)     All
12.  Which of the following presents data in a way similar to an Excel spreadsheet
a)      Datasheet view
b)      Design view
c)      Print preview
d)     Layout preview
13.  Access 2007 supports which of the following relationships?
a)      Many to Many
b)      One to One
c)      One to Many
d)     All
14.  Updating all tables that are dependent upon a main or master table is called
a.       Cascade delete
b.      Cascade update
c.       Referential integrity
d.      None
15.  Which of the following is the primary data repository in Access database?
a.          Queries
b.      Form
c.          Table
d.      Report
16.  Which one of the following statements is not correct related to Primary key?
a.      A primary key is used as unique identifier for each column
b.      A primary key field can never be left empty
c.       When working with related tables, the primary key field in one table can be used as foreign key field in another table
d.      Both B & C
17.  Which one of the following statements is not correct related to Index?
a.       Index may speed up searches; it can also slow the process of updating data within table.
b.      Index may speed up searches; it can also slow the process of updating data within table.
c.       You can set index on a field which is seldom used
d.      You can set index on any fields except OLE objects or attachment fields.
18.  In which row of query design grid do we set conditions?
a.             Field
b.      Sort
c.            Criteria
d.      Show

19.  To locate a particular record which of the following options of the navigation bar can we use?
a.             First
b.      Specific
c.             Next
d.      Last
20.  In the table when you are inserting the data, the power suddenly goes off. What will happen?
a.       All data is lost
b.      A few data is lost
c.       All data is save
d.      A few data is save
21.  How can you export a table or query output as an excel spreadsheet?
a.       Open an access database open file queries Click external data tab click Export to XML icon.
b.      Open an access database open file queries Click external data tab click Export to Excel Spreadsheet icon
c.       Open an access database open file queries Click external data tab Saved import icon
d.      None
22.  Of the following options, which is/are valid report layout(s)?
a.            Stepped
b.      Block
c.            Portrait
d.      Both A & B
23.  Which of the following presents data in a way similar to an Excel spreadsheet?
a.      Datasheet view
b.      Design view
c.       Print preview
d.      Layout preview
24.  To configure the properties of an object in MS-Access 2007, which of the following can we use?
a.       Datasheet view
b.      Design view
c.       Table view
d.      Print preview
25.  Null value is allowed in
a.       Unique key field
b.      Primary key field
c.       Foreign key field
d.      Both A& C

26.  An index is automatically created on
a.       Primary key field
b.      Foreign key field
c.       Id Number
d.      All of them
27.  To create a relationship what should you do?
a.       Click Insert menu and then click Relationship
b.      Click Database Tools tab and click Relationship button
c.       Click Edit menu and then click Relationship
d.      Press Ctrl + Shift + P
28.  The wildcard ‘[ ]’ refers to
a.       Matches any single alphabetic character within a string
b.      Matches any single character within the brackets
c.       Matches any character not defined within the brackets
d.      Matches any one of a range of characters defined within the brackets
29.  What do you mean by * symbol?
a.       It represents the column currently selected.
b.      It represents the row previously selected.
c.       It represents the row currently selected
d.      None of the above
30.  Which of the following is/are database objects?
a.       Table
b.      Query
c.       Form
d.      All
31.  To insert unique and sequential data automatically which data type can we use?
a.       OLE Object
b.      Attachment
c.       Text
d.      AutoNumber
32.  If we set the "Required" field property to "YES" then what happens?
a.       Data can not be deleted
b.      This prevents it from being left blank
c.       Data can be edited
d.      All of the above


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